姓名: 張家瑜 |
電話:06-6226111分機615 |
E-mail:a429@o365.mhchcm.edu.tw |
現職: 講師 |
專長: 失智症照護/老人護理/社區健康照護 |
學歷: 亞洲大學健康產業管理學系博士候選人 國立台北護理健康大學護理研究所畢業 |
碩士論文 張家瑜(2009)。社區老人睡眠品質及其相關因素探討 -以一個眷村為例〔未出版之碩士論文〕。國立台北護理學院護理研究所。 期刊論文 Chang, C. Y., & Hsu, H. C. (2020). Relationship between knowledge and types of attitudes towards people living with dementia. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(11), 3777. 研討會論文 Chi-Ho, Hsu., Chia-Yu, Chang., & Chouh-Jiaun, Lin. (2009, Sep 8-9). Factors Influencing Sleep Quality among Elderly Veterans and Their Spouse: A Case Study in a Residential Military Community. [Poster presentation]. Kobe, Japan. Chia-Yu Chang & Hui-Chuan Hsu. (2019, Sep 16-17). An exploratory study of knowledge of and attitude of friendliness towards dementia among the adults: In the case of Taichung, Taiwan. [Conference presentation]. University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. 著作 黃雅文等(2018)。社區整合長期照護與人才培育(初版)。五南。