
姓名: 陳志州



現職: 柳營奇美醫院醫療副院長




  1. 林口長庚醫院內科住院醫師(73/07~76/06)
  2. 林口長庚醫院胃腸科研究員(76/07-78/06)
  3. 高雄長庚醫院主治醫師(78/07-81/06)
  4. 高雄長庚醫院講師級主治醫師(81/07-87/02)
  5. 永康奇美醫學中心 肝膽科主任(87/03-92/02)
  6. 永康奇美醫學中心 胃腸科主任(92/02-93/07)
  7. 柳營奇美醫院 內科部主任兼胃腸科主任(93/07-98/08)
  8. 柳營奇美醫院 教學副院長(98/09~107/07)
  9. 柳營奇美醫院 醫療副院長(107/08~)
  10. 消化系內科專科醫師指導醫師(82/08~迄今)
  11. 教育部部定講師(86/08)
  12. 教育部部定助理教授(95/11)
  13. 教育部部定副教授(109/04)


  1. 私立長庚護理專科學校兼任講師(83/02-83/07)
  2. 私立大仁藥學專科學校兼任講師(85/02-85/07)
  3. 私立敏惠護專兼任講師(94/09-95/06)
  4. 國立台南護專兼任講師(95/07-96/06)
  5. 國立台南護專兼任助理教授(96/07-98/07)
  6. 台北醫學大學兼任講師(94/08~)
  7. 嘉南藥理大學兼任助理教授(103/02~103/07)
  8. 大葉大學護理系助理教授(103/08~109/07)


  1. 醫師證書字號 010991
  2. 內科專科醫師證書字號  內專醫字第002036
  3. 消化系內科專科醫師證書字號 台消內專科字0291
  4. 超音波專業醫師證書 中超專業證字第eG000549

5. 教育部部定講師 講字050502

6. 教育部部定助理教授 助理字第019146

7. 教育部部定副教授 副字第146959







  1. Jyh-Jou Chen, Cheng-Shyong Wu, Chaur-Young Yang. Ameboma: Clinical analysis of 11 cases. Chinese J Gastroenterol 1988;5:207-212.
  2. Jyh-Jou Chen, Chi-Sin Changchien, Den-Yn Lin. Liver absces after transcatheter hepatic arterial embolization. Chinese J Gastroenterol 1988;5:218-221.
  3. Jyh-Jou Chen, I-Shen Sheen, Yu-Chii Kuo, Cheng-Tang Chiu, Cheng-Shyong Wu. Hyperlipoproteinemia complicating with acute pancreatitis in pregnancy. Chang Gung Med J 1989;12:232-236.
  4. Jyh-Jou Chen, Hsien-Ho Lin, Cheng-Tang Chiu, Den-Yn Lin. Gallbladder perforation with intrahepatic abscess formation. J Clin Ultrasound 1990;18:43-45. (SCI)
  5. Yun-Fan Liaw, Jyh-Jou Chen, Tong-Jong Chen. Acute exacerbation in patients with live cirrhosis: a clinicopathological study. Liver 1990;10:177-184. (SCI)
  6. Jyh-Jou Chen, Chi-Sin Changchien, You-Chii Kuo, Pan-Chi Chen, Chang-Shuong Wu. The clinical manifestation of gastric ulcer patients with fungal colonization. Chinese J Gastroenterol 1991;8:271-276.

7. Jyh-Jou Chen, Chi-Sin Changchien. A prospective study of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Chinese J Gastroenterol 1991;8:172-178.

8. Jyh-Jou Chen, Chi-Sin Changchien, Shue-Shian Chiou, Da-In Tai, Chuan-Mo Lee,   
   Chung-Huang Kuo. Various sonographic patterns of smooth muscle tumors of the
   gastrointestinal tract: A compraison with computed tomography. J Ultrasound
1992;11:527-531. (SCI)

9.Chi-Sin Changchien, Jyh-Jou Chen, Dar-In Tai, Shiah-Shien Chiou, Chung-Huang
Kuo. Sonographic Detection of Stones in poorly opacified left intrahepatic ducts. J Clin Ultrasound 1992;20:121-125. (SCI)

10.Shyr-Ming Sheen-Chen, Fong-Fu Chou, Yaw-Sun Chen, Mau-Jaan Chen,
Feng-Chi Chen, Jyh-Jou Chen, Yung-Liang Wan. Early gastric cancer: an experience in southern Taiwan. J Clin Gastroenterol 1992;15:302-305. (SCI)

11. Seng-Kee Chuah, Chi-Sin Changchien, I-Shen Sheen, Hsien-Hon Lin, Shue-Shian Chiou, Cheng-Tang Chiu, Chang-Huang Kuo, Jyh-Jou Chen, King-Wah Chiu. The prognostic factors of severe amebic liver abscess: A retrospective study of 125 cases. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1992;46:398-402. (SCI) 

12. King-Wah Chiu, Chi-Sin Changchien, Shue-Shian Chiou, Dar-In Tai, Chuan-Mo Lee, Chang-Huang Kuo, Jyh-Jou Chen, Seng-Kee Chuah. Ultrasonically-guided needle aspiration of liver focal lesion, comparison of diagnostic accuracy by using 18 and 22 gauge needle. Hepatogastroenterol 1992;39:282-285.

13. Jyh-Jou Chen, Chi-Sin Changchien, Chuan-Mo Lee. The panendoscopic findings of duodenal strongyloides stercoralis infection: Report of a case. Transaction of Dig Endosc Society of R.O.C. 1993;2:41-43.

14. Sien-Jen Wang, Jyh-Jou Chen, Chi-Sin Changchien, Shue-Shian Chiou, Dar-In Tai, Chuan-Mo Lee, Chang-Huang Kuo, King-Wah Chiu, Seng-Kee Chuah.  Sequential invasion of pancreatic pseudocysts in pancreatic tail, hepatic left lobe, caudate lobe and spleen. Pancreas 1993;8:133-136. (Correspondence) (SCI)

15. Jyh-Jou Chen, Chuan-Mo Lee, Chi-Sin Changchien. Duodenal strongyloides stercoralis infection. Endoscopy 1994;26:272. (SCI)

16. Jyh-Jou Chen, Chi-Sin Changchien, Dar-In Tai, Chuan-Mo Lee, Chang-Huang  

 Kuo. Gallbladder volume in patients with common hepatic duct dilataion: an   

 evaluation of Courvoisier`s sign using ultrasonography. Scand J Gastroenterol 

 1994;29:284-288. (SCI)

17. Jyh-Jou Chen, Chi-Sin Changchien, Dar-In Tai, Shue-Shian Chiou, Chuan-Mo 

 Lee, Chang-Huang Kuo. Role of Helicobacter pylori in cirrhotic patients with 

 peptic ulcer: a serological study. Dig Dis Sci 1994;39:1565-1568. (SCI)

18. Seng-Kee Chuah, Chi-Sin Changchien, Dar-In Tai, Shue-Shian Chiou, Chuan-Mo  

 Lee, Chang-Huang Kuo, Jyh-Jou Chen, King-Wah Chiu. Hydronephrosis  

 accidentally detected by gastrointestinal sonography. J Clin Ultrasond 

 1994;22:183-186. (SCI)

19. Shue-Shian Chiou,  Jyh-Jou Chen, Chi-Sin Changchien, We-Lein Chen. Endoscopic picture of pulmonary squamous ccell carcinoma metastasis to stomach: report of a case. Transaction of Dig Endosc Society of R.O.C. 1994;3:43-45.

20. Shyr-Ming Sheen-hen, Fong-Fu hou, Hock-Liew Eng, Jyh-Jou Chen, Chuan-Mo  Lee, Yung-Liang Wan. Gastric leiomyosaroma: A Cliniopathoogical review. Eur J Surg. 1994; 169: 681-687.

21. Jyh-Jou Chen, Chi-Sin Changchien, Chang-Huang Kuo. Causes of increasing width of right anterior extrarenal space seen in ultrasonographic examination. J Clin Ultrasound 1995; 23: 287-292. (SCI)

22. Jyh-Jou Chen, Chi-Sin Changchien,  Dar-In Tai, Shue-Shian Chiou, Chuan-Mo Lee, Chang-Huang Kuo. Rebleeding rate of various stigmata of recent hemorrhage in peptic ulcer bleeding with different severity. Chang-Gung Med J 1995;18:209-216.

23. Jyh-Jou Chen, Chi-Sin Changchien, Dar-In Tai, Shue-Shian Chiou, Chuan-Mo Lee, Chang-Huang Kuo, K-W Chiu, S-K Chuah, C-C Lin. Success of endoscopic injection therapy in correlation with maximal one-day transfusion requirement. Endoscopy 1995;27:298-303.

24. Te-Li Hsieh, Chi-Sin Changchien, Jyh-Jou Chen, Shue-Shian Chiou, Dar-In Tai, Chuan-Mo Lee, Chang-Huang Kuo, King-Wah Chiu, Seng-Kee Chuah, Tsung-Hui Hu. Small ccell lung cancer with liver and bone metastasis associated with hypercalcemia and acute pancreatitis -- A case report. Chang Gung Med J 1995; 18: 190-193.

25. Chang-Huang Kuo,Chi-Sin Changchien, Jyh-Jou Chen, Dar-In Tai, Shue-Shian Chiou, Chuan-Mo Lee. Septic acute cholecystitis. Scand J Gastroenterol 1995; 30: 272-275. (SCI)

26. Chi-Ming Hsiaw, Jyh-Jou Chen, Chi-Sin Changchien. Intussusception of appendix. Chang Gung Med J 1995; 18: 190-193.

27. Kuo CH.  Changchien CS.  Tai DI.  Jyh-Jou Chen. Portal vein velocity by duplex Doppler ultrasound as an indication of the  clinical severity of portal hypertension. Chang Gung Medical Journal 1995; 18(3):217-23.

28. Tai DI.  Chen HY.  Wang PW.  Lee CH.  Lee TY.  Chen WJ. Jyh-Jou Chen.  Changchien CS. Hepatobiliary imaging of functional and morphological changes following hepatic arterial embolization in hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 1995; 36(9):1590-4. (SCI)

29. Dar-in Tai, Chi-sin Changchien, Chiu-Jung Chen, Shue-Shian Chiou, Chuan-mo Lee, Chung-Huang Kuo, Jyh-Jou Chen, King-Wah Chiu, Seng-Kee Chuah, Tsung-Hui Hu, Chi-Ming Hsiaw. Sequential evaluation of portal venous hemodynamics by doppler ultrasound in patients with severe acute hepatitis. Am J Gastroenterol 1996;91:545-550.

30. Chia-Chang Hsu, Jyh-Jou Chen, Chi-Sin Changchien. Endoscopic features of metastatic tumors to the upper gastrointestinal tract. Endoscopy 1996;28:249-253. (Correspondence) (SCI)

31. Chiu KW, Changchien CS, Chuah SK, Tai DI, Chiou SS, Lee CM, Jyh-Jou Chen. Endoscopic injection sclerotherapy with 1.5% Sotradecol for bleeding cardiac varices. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 1997, 24(3):161-4. (SCI)

32. Jyh-Jou Chen, Chi-Sin Changchien , Cheng-Ching Lin. The Visible Vessel on the Bleeding Gastric Ulcer---- A Endoscopy-Pathological Study. Endoscopy 1997; 29: 821-826

33. CC Hsu, Jyh-Jou Chen, C.S. Changchien, W. C. Chang. Endoscopic diagnosis of small intestinal amyloidosis. Endoscopy 1997; 29: S57.

34. Jyh-Jou Chen, C. J Su, CS,Shu, CY, Lin, SH Yang, SU Hsu, TJ Tsai, WS Tzeng. Intracrainal metastasis of small hepatocellular carcinoma—One case report. J Intern Med Taiwan 1999, 10:22-26.

35. Jyh-Jou Chen, CS Changchien, CC Lin. Dieulafoy’s lesion of the jejunum. Hepato gastroenterology 1999; 46: 1699-1701.

36. SH Yang, C Lee, CY, Lin, Jyh-Jou Chen, YH Uen,  CK Chou, WS Tzeng, CN Lin. Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis producing acute pancreatitis—A case report. J Intern Med Taiwan 2000; 11: 26-29.

37. Chia-Chang Hsu, Jyh-Jou Chen, Tsung-Hui Hu, Sheng-Nan Lu, Chi-Sin Changchien. Famotidine versus omeprazole, in combination with amoxycillin and tinidazole, for eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection. Euro J Gastroenterol & Hepatol 2001; 13: 921-926. (correspondence) (SCI)

38. Ming-Huen Sheu, Ching-Yih Lin, Jyh-Jou Chen, Tune-Yie Shih, Ching-Nan Lin. Adult hirschsprung’s disease: report of a case. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2001;18:261-265.

39. Ming-Huen Sheu, Ching-Yih Lin, Jyh-Jou Chen, Tune-Yie Shih, Ching-Nan Lin. Adult hirschsprung’s disease: report of a case. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2001;18:261-265.

40. C Lee, Jyh-Jou Chen, Guo LM, Shiu MR, Kuo SD, Sheu CS, Lee HS, Lin JN. Etiological factors in patients with hepatocelluar carcinoma in Tainan area. J Intern Med Taiwan 2003; 14:282-289.

41. Jyh-Jou Chen, Sheu MJ, Chiang MC, Kuo SF. Acute hepatitis after herbal medicine. J Intern Med Taiwan 2003; 14:295-300.

42. Hsu CC, Jyh-Jou Chen, Hu TH, Lu SN, Changchien CS. One-week versus two-week H2-receptor antagonist in combination with amoxicillin and tinidazole for eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection. Hepatogastroenterology. 2005 Sep-Oct;52(65):1617-21. (correspondence) (SCI)

43. Ming-Shou Wu, Jyh-Jou Chen, Kuo-Ching Huang.Sodium phosphate Induced Hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia presenting as hemiparesthesia, mimicking stroke ----One case report. J Intern Med Taiwan 2005;16(5):236-240 (correspondence)

44. Jyh-Jou Chen, CY Lin, MJ Sheu, HT Kuo, CS Sun, LY Tang, SL Wang, SL Tsai. Poor response to 18-month lamivudine monotherapy in chronic hepatitis B patients with IgM anti0HBc and acute exacerbation. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2006. (SCI)

45. Hsing-Tao Ku, Ching-Yih Lin, Jyh-Jou Chen, Sun-Lung Tsai. Enlarged Lymph Nodes in Porta Hepatis : Sonographic Sign of Chronic Hepatitis B and C Infections. J Clin Ultrasound 2006 Jun ; 34(5): 211-216. (SCI)

46. J. J. Chen, S. L. Tsai. Lamivudine response of IgM anti-HBc chronic hepatitis B: authors’ reply. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2006 Jun; 23(12): 1758-1760. (SCI)

47. Ming-Jen Sheu, Ching-Yih Lin, Chi-Shu Sun, Hsing-Tao Kuo, Lok-Beng Koay, Chuan Lee, Jyh-Jou Chen, Ling-Yu Tang, Sun-Lung Tsai. Nonrespones to 18-month Lamivudine Monotherapy in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients with Dual Genotype B and C Infection and Acute Exacerbation. J Formos Med Assoc. 2006 July; 105(7):588-593.

48. Jyh-Jou Chen, Ching-Hsing Kao, Tsung-Chia Tsai, Chin-Nan Lin. Hepatoid Adenocarcinoma of the Stomach Presenting with Spinal Metastasis. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2007;24(2):209-214.

49. Hsing-Tao Kuo, Jyh-Jou Chen, Yih-Huei Uen, Chi-Shu Sun, Ming-Juen Sheu, Lok-Beng Koay, Chung Lee, Sun-Lung Tsai, Ching-Yih Lin. Sigmoid serosal lacerations during colonoscopy-an unusual and fatal complication: report of a case. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2007; 24(4) 391-394.

50. I-Chen Wu, Deng-Chyang Wu, Ping-I Hsu, Chien-Yu Lu, Fang-Jung Yu, Tsang-En Wang, Wen-Hsiung Chang, Jyh-Jou Chen, Fu-Chen Kuo, Jeng-Yih Wu, Wen-Ming Wang, Ming-Jong Bair. Rabeprazole-versus Esomeprazole-based eradication regimens for H. pylori infection. Helicobacter 2007;12:633-637. (SCI)

51. Wem-Sheng Tzeng, Reng-Hong Wu, Shih-Chin Chang, Chung-Kuao Chou, Ching-Yih Lin, Jyh-Jou Chen, Shun-Chun Yang, Chi-Hung Lin. Ionic Versus Nonionic Contrast Media Solvents Used with an Epirubicin-based Agent for Transarteral Chemoembolization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2008 Mar; 19(3): 342-350. (SCI)

52. Weng-Sheng Tzeng, Reng-Hong Wu, Ching-Yih Lin, Jyh-Jou Chen, Ming-Juen Sheu, Lok-Beng Koay, Chuan Lee. Predication of Mortality after Emergent Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt Placement: Use of APACHE II, Child-Pugh and MELD Scores in Asian Patient with Refractory Variceal Hemorrhage. Korean J Radiol 2009 Sep-Oct, 10(5): 481-489. (SCI)

53. Chone-Chi Chiu, Tsung-Chih Tsai, Jyh-Jou Chen. Correspondence to “Randomized clinical trial of the influence of mechanical bowel preparation on
faecal microflora in patients undergoing colonic cancer resection. Br J Surg 2010; 97: 1791-1797” (Web version, 2011-1)

54. Lok-Beng Koay, I-Che Feng, Ming-Jen Sheu, Hsing-Tao Kuo Chin-Yih Lin Jyh-Jou Chen, Shih-Ling Wang, Ling-Yu Tang, Sun-Lung Tsai. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) core antigen-specific regulatory T cells confer sustained remission to anti-HBV therapy in chronic heptitis B with acute exacerbation. Human Immunology 2011 Sep; 72(9): 687-698. (SCI)

55. Lee Chuan, Jyh-Jou Chen, Uen Yih-Huei, Lee Pei-Lun, Tzeng Wen-Sheng. Spontaneous rupture of a choledochal cyst with anomalous union of pancreticobile duct patient: report of a case. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2011; 28: 379-384. (correspondence)

56. Lee Chuan, Jyh-Jou Chen, Huang Kou-Chin, Lee Pei-Lun, Wu Hsien-Cheng. Occult hepatitis B virus infection in hemodialysis patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2012; 29: 1-6. (correspondence)

57. Tung Hung-Da, Jyh-Jou Chen, Lee Pei-Lun, Wu Hsien-Cheng, Lu Na-Mi. Polypoid arteriovenous malformation of the colon: report of a case. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2012; 29: 32-37. (correspondence)

58. Meng-Kwan Liu, I-Chen Wu, Chien-Yu Lu, Chao-Hung Kuo, Fang-Jung Yu,  

Chung-Jung Liu, Ping-I Hsu, Wen-Hung Hsu, Yu-Chung Su, Angela Chen, Deng-Chyang Wu, Fu-Chen Kuo, Jyh-Jou Chen. Randomized trial comparing rabeprazole-versus lansoprazole-based Helicobacter pylori eradication regimens. Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences 2013;29, 379-384. (correspondence)

59. Chong-Chi Chiu, Jyh-Jou Chen, Shih-Bin Su, Jhi-Joung Wang. Correspondence to “Value of peritoneal cytology in potentially resectable pancreatic cancer. Brit J Surg 2013; 100: 1791-1796”(Web-version, 2014-2) (SCI)

60. Pei-Lun Lee, Jyh-Jou Chen, Hung-Da Tung, Chun-Ta Cheng, Tang-Wei Chuang, Szu-Jen Wang, Hsien-Cheng Wu. Serum Hepatitis B surface antigen level might predict cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in older patients with chronic hepatitis B. Advances in Digestive Medicine 2015; 2(3), 102-107. (correspondence)

61. C.-C. Chiu, J.-J. Wang, Y.-S. Chen, J.-J. Chen, T.-C. Tsai, C.-C. Lai, D.-P. Sun, H.-Y. Shi. Trends and predictors of outcomes after surger for hepatocellular carcinorma: A nationwide population-based study in Taiwan. EJSO, 2015 ,41(9): 1170-1178. (SCI)

62. Chung-Feng Huang, Jyh-Jou Chen, Ming-Lun Yeh, Ching-I Huang, Ming-Yen Hsieh, Hua-Ling Yang, Chia-Yen Dai, Jee-Fu Huang, Zu-Yau Lin, Shinn-Cherng Chen, Wan-Long Chuang, Yao-Li Chen. PNPLA3 genetic variants determine hepatic steatosis in non-obese chronic heoatitis C patients. Sci Rep 2015 Jul; 3(5):11901. (SCI)

63. Hung-Jen Tang, Cheng-Fang Hiseh, Ping-Chin Chang, Jyh-Jou Chen, Yu-Hsiu Lin, Chih-Cheng Lai, Chien-Ming Chao, Yin-Ching Chuang. Clinical Significance of Community- and Healthcare- Acquired Carbapenem- Resistant Enterobacteriaceae Isolates. PloS ONE 2016; 11(3).

64. Chuang W. L., Chien R. N., Peng C. Y., Lo G. H., Sheen I. S., Wang H. Y., Chen
J. J.
, Yang J. C., Knox S. J., Gao B., Grrison K.L., Mo H., Pang P.S., Hsu Y. C., Hu T.H., Chu C. J., Kao J. H. Ledipasvir/sofosbuvir fixed-dose combination table in Taiwanese patients with chronic genotype 1 hepatitis C virus. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016 Jul; 31(7):1323-1329. (SCI)

65. Kao J. H., Chien R. N., Chang T. T., Peng C. Y., Hu T. H., Lo G. H., Wang H. Y., Chen J. J., Yang J. C., Knox S. J., Han L., Mo H., Mathias A., Brainard D. M., Sheen I. S., Hsu Y. C., Chu C. J., Chuang W. L., A phase 3b study of sofosbuvir plus ribavirin in Taiwanese patients with chronic genotype 2 hepatitis C virus infection. Liver Int. 2016 Aug; 36(8): 1101-1107. (SCI)

66. Liu, C. J., Chuang, W. L., Sheen, I. S., Wang, H. Y., Chen, C. Y., Tseng, K. C., Massetto, B., Yang, J. C., Yun, C., Knox, S. J., Osinusi, A., Camus, G., Jiang, D., Brainard, D. M., McHutchison, J. G., Hu, T. H., Lo, G. H., Chu, C. J., Chen, J. J., Peng, C. Y., Chien, R. N. and Chen, P. J. Efficacy of Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir Treatment of HCV Infection in Patients Coinfected With HBV. Gastroenterology, 2018 Mar; 155(4): 989-997. (SCI)

67. Pei-Lun Lee, Jyh-Jou Chen, Szu-Jen Wang, Hung-Da Tung, Chun-Ta Cheng, Na-Mi Lu. Fundic gland polyps is more common in patients with relativ e healthy gastric mucosa. Advances in Digestive Medicine. 2018 Mar. & June; 5(1)(2):44-49.

68. Chi-Su Sun, Jyh-Jou Chen, Pei-Lun Lee, Ming-Jenn Chen and Khin-Than Win. Idiopathic mesenteric phlebosclerosis caused by traditional medicine in a married couple and review of literature. Advances in Digestive Medicine, 2018 June; 5, 63-69.

69. Chen-Hua Liu, Ming-Lung Yu, Cheng-Yuan Peng, Tsai-Yuan Hsieh, Yi-Hsiang Huang, Wei-Wen Su, Pin-Nan Cheng, Chih-Lin Lin, Ching-Chu, Lo, Chi-Yi Chen, Jyh-Jou Chen, Qian Ma, Craig Brooks-Rooney and Jia-Horng Kao. Comorbidities, concomitant medications and potential drug-drug interactions with interferon-free driect-acting antiviral agents in hepatitis C patients in Taiwan. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2018 Sep., 1-11. (SCI)

70. Chung-Feng Huang, Ming-Lun Yeh, Ching-I Hung, Zu-Yan Lin, Shinn-Cherng Chen, Jee-Fu Huang, Chia-Yan Dai, Wan-Long Chuang, Jyh-Jou Chen and Ming-Lung Yu. Tolloid-like 1 genetic variants determine fibrosis regression in chronic hepatitis C patients with curative antivirals. Scientific Reports, 2018 Oct.; 8, 1-7. (correspondence) (SCI)

71. Chen-Hua Liu, Ming-Lung Yu, Cheng-Yuan Peng, Tsai-Yuan Hsieh, Yi-Hsiang Huang, Wei-Wen Su, Pin-Nan Cheng, Chih-Lin Lin, Ching-Chu, Lo, Chi-Yi Chen, Jyh-Jou Chen, Qian Ma, Craig Brooks-Rooney and Jia-Horng Kao.
Real- world anti-viral treatment decisions among chronic hepatitis C patients in Taiwan: The INITIATE study. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 2019 Jun;118(6):1014-1023. (SCI)

72. Jyh-Jou Chen, Sheng-Shiung Huang, In-Fun Li, Kuan-Pin Lin, Shiow-Luan Tsay. Prognostic association of demographic and clinical factors with the change rates of symptoms and depression among patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Supportive Care in Cancer, 2019 Dec;27(12):4665-4674. (SCI)

73. Charlotte Hedskog, Bandita Parhy, Silvia Chang, Stefan Zeuzem, Christophe Moreno, Stephen D Shafran, Sergio M Borgia, Tarik Asselah, Laurent Alric, Armand Abergel, Jyh-Jou Chen, Jane Collier, Dharmesh Kapoor, Robert H Hyland, Peter Simmonds, Hongmei Mo, Evguenia S Svarovskaia. Identification of 19 Novel Hepatitis C Virus Subtypes—Further Expanding HCV Classification, Open Forum Infectious Diseases, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2019 Mar. (SCI)

74. Jyh-Jou Chen, Hung-Da Tung, Pei-Lun Lee, Hsing-Tao Kuo, Ming-Jen Sheu, Chun-Ta Cheng, Tang-Wei Chuang, Hsu-Ju Kao, Na-Mi Lu, Li-Ching Wu, Chuan Lee. High prevalence of genotype 6 hepatitis C virus infection in Southern Taiwan using Abbott genotype assays. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association , Volume 119, Issue 1, Part 3, 2020 Jan,413-419.(correspondence) (SCI)

75. Jyh-Jou Chen, Pei-Lun Lee, Hung-Chih Chiu , Hung-Da Tung, Yen-Cheng Chiu, Pin-Nan Cheng. Real-world effectiveness and safety of Ledipasvir/sofosbuvir for genotype 6 chronic hepatitis C patients in Taiwan.Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Volume 35, Issue 3,2020 Mar,467-472 .(SCI)

76. Hung-Da Tung, Pei-Lun Lee, Jyh-Jou Chen, Hsing-Tao Kuo, Ming-Jen Sheu , Chun-Ta Cheng,  Tang-Wei Chuang, Hsu-Ju Kao, Chia-Yi Hou, Hsin-Hua Tsai, Li-Ching Wu,Chuan Lee. Geographic variation of genotype 6 hepatitis C virus infection in an endemic area of southern Taiwan. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 2020 Jun. (correspondence) (SCI) (In press)




  1. BRDT基因在肝癌的癌化過程之角色分析 (2007/07/01~2008/06/30)
  2. 慢性腎衰竭維持血液透析病人潛在病毒性肝炎對肝病嚴重度的影響  


  1. 抗生素使用與洗手對超廣效β-內醯胺酶(ESBL)細菌感染之影響
  2. 一個"真實世界"臨床執業的比較的研究,評估慢性C型肝炎感染的病人根據基礎病毒量及快速病毒反應所規劃之療程以長效型干擾素(Peginterferon-Alfa-2a or 2b)合併Ribavirin治療效果 (2010/01/01~2010/12/31)
  3. 影響冠狀動脈左迴旋支梗塞之診斷延遲之可能因子分析與預後
  4. 慢性B型肝炎自然史中HBAg值與HBA DNA